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for Hellenistic Greek linguistics
Matthew Brook O’Donnell

Matthew Brook O’Donnell has degrees in biblical studies and computer science, with a focus upon the computational analysis of the Greek of the New Testament and other Hellenistic writers, using methods from corpus linguistics. His research interests include the application of linguistics to Hellenistic Greek and the use of text encoding and computational techniques for discourse analysis. He was formerly Research Officer at the University of Surrey Roehampton, London, UK and is currently an adjunct faculty member at McMaster Divinity College and an independent IT consultant, developing web-based applications for clients in the publishing industry, including the American Bible Society.

Authored Books and Monographs

Corpus Linguistics and the Greek of the New Testament . New Testament Monographs, 6. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2005

Edited Books

The Linguist as Pedagogue: Trends in the Teaching and Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament, co-editor with S.E. Porter and M.B. O'Donnell. NTM 11. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2005

Articles in Journals and Periodicals

‘Network Probabilities and the Greek Verbal Network: A Exercise in Hallidayan Linguistics,’ co-author with Stanley E. Porter. Filología Neotestamentaria (2001)

‘Just-In-Time-Trees (JITTs): Next Step in the Evolution of Markup?,’ co-author with Patrick Durusau. InterCharge: Newsletter of the International SGML/XML Users’ Group 8 (4) (2002) 21-26

Chapters in Books

‘The Implications of Textual Variants for Authenticating the Words of Jesus,’ co-author with Stanley E. Porter. Authenticating the Words of Jesus. Ed. Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans. New Testament Tools and Studies 28.1. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1998: 97-133

‘The Implications of Textual Variants for Authenticating the Activities of Jesus,’ co-author with Stanley E. Porter. Authenticating the Activities of Jesus. Ed. Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans. New Testament Tools and Studies 28.2. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1998: 121-51

‘Translation and the Exegetical Process, Using Mark 5:1-10, “The Binding of the Strongman”, as a Test Case.’ Translating the Bible: Problems and Prospects. Ed. Stanley E. Porter and Richard S. Hess. JSNT Supplement Series 173. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 162-188

‘The Use of Annotated Corpora for New Testament Discourse Analysis: A Survey of Current Practice and Future Prospects.’ Discourse Analysis and the New Testament: Approaches and Results. Ed. Stanley E. Porter and Jeffrey T. Reed. JSNT Supplement Series 170. Studies in New Testament Greek 4. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 71-117

‘Linguistic Fingerprints or Style by Numbers: The Use of Statistics in the Discussion of Authorship of New Testament Documents.’ Linguistics and the New Testament: Critical Junctures. Ed. Stanley E. Porter and D.A. Carson. JSNT Supplement Series 168. Studies in New Testament Greek 5. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 206-62

‘Two Views on Baptism with/by the Holy Spirit: Can Grammatical Investigation Bring Clarity?’ Baptism, the New Testament and the Church: Historical and Contemporary Studies in Honour of R.E.O. White. Ed. Stanley E. Porter and Anthony R. Cross. JSNT Supplement Series 171. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 311-336

‘Some New Testament Words for Resurrection, and the Company They Keep.’ Resurrection. Ed. Stanley E. Porter, Michael A. Hayes and David Tombs. Roehampton Institute London Papers 5. JSNT Supplement Series 186. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999: 136-63

‘Semantics and Patterns of Argumentation in the Book of Romans: Definitions, Proposals, Data and Experiments,’ co-author with Stanley E. Porter. Diglossia and Other Topics in New Testament Linguistics. Ed. Stanley E. Porter. JSNT Supplement Series 193. Studies in New Testament Greek 6. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000: 154-204

‘Designing and Compiling a Register-Balanced Corpus of Hellenistic Greek for the Purpose of Linguistic Description and Investigation.’ Diglossia and Other Topics in New Testament Linguistics. Ed. Stanley E. Porter. JSNT Supplement Series 193. Studies in New Testament Greek 6. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000: 255-97

‘Open Text? What Can Corpus-Based Projects Learn from the Open Source Software Movement?’ Digital Evidence: Selected Papers from DRH2000, Digital Resources for the Humanities Conference, University of Sheffield 2000. Office for Humanities Computing Publication 14. London: Kings College London, 2001: 207-228

‘Theoretical issues for corpus linguistics and the study of ancient languages,’ co-author with Stanley E. Porter. Corpus Linguistics by the Lune: a festschrift for Geoffrey Leech. Ed. A. Wilson, P. Rayson and T. McEnery. Lodz studies in Language Series 8. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2003:

‘ The Problems and Prospects of Working with Ancient Discourse,’ co-author with S.E. Porter and J.T. Reed. A Rainbow of Corpora: Corpus Linguistics and the Languages of the World. Ed. A. Wilson, P. Rayson and T. McEnery. München: Lincom-Europa, 2003:

Recent Papers and Presentations

‘Corpus Cartography – Explorations in the Use of Information Visualization for Corpus Linguistics.’ Presented with Catherine J. Smith at Corpus Linguistics 2005, University of Birmingham, U.K. (July 2005).

‘The Pauline Lexicon - Developing a Lexical Profile of Paul's Vocabulary.’ Presented with Randall K. Tan at Language and Linguistics Section, SBL International Meeting, Singapore (June 2005).

‘ - Introducing a New Syntactically-Tagged Greek New Testament .’ Presented with Randall K. Tan at Biblical Studies and Technology Section, SBL International Meeting, Singapore (June 2005).